Monday, April 2

The Beauty of Opening Day

Well, I have patiently waited over six months for baseball games to mean something in Philadelphia. And now, here on April 2, 2007, the Phillies will begin another 162 game campaign for a chance to play in October. During this stretch, I will break lamps in my house. I will hug strangers at the stadium. I may even fight a Mets' fan or two. The baseball season is always filled with moments of joy and depression. Moments where I slam the power off of the TV and yell "I'M NEVER WATCHING THESE BASTARDS AGAIN!" But then the next night, at 7:05, I am on my couch praying they can pull through. I can't even count how many times in my life I have not been able to watch a ninth inning without pacing around my kitchen. I wonder "Why do I put myself through this?" But once that strike three is called or that walk-off homer is hit, I know the answer.

Some don't understand what it is about baseball that we fans love so much. Sometimes I don't understand it. I've never been around a consistently winning baseball team as I have only seen the Phillies make the playoffs once in my entire life. But every April is a new beginning and a new chance to make up for what went wrong last year. So I will be at Citizens Bank Park today to watch the fighter jets fly by and to yell until I lose my voice. I will cheer when Myers throws his first strike of the season and when a Phillie gets the first hit. Because the only thing better than winning the first game of the season, is winning the last one of the post-season. Here's hoping.

Brett Myers (0-0, 0.00)
John Smoltz (0-0. 0.00)

The Phillies throw their best at the Braves' best. Two dominant righties who can control an entire game. I'll have a full report after the game on my first baseball experience of 2007 with pictures and other goodies.

As always...



GM-Carson said...

I'm so stoked!

Baseball is not just an obsession, it's a passion. I love baseball and I love the Phillies. I'm the same way with my emotions in regards to them, a complete rollercoaster ride throughout the season, but this year we're ending on a high note.

BloodStripes said...

You've summed it up perfectly boys. Its time for the roller coaster ride of a Phils season. All the emotions you could ever feel sometimes rolled into a single game. Bring it on.

Cmon us your true potential.

BloodStripes said...

Have an awesome time Skeeter. I'll be streaming, so I wanna hear you screaming. To the other side of the world.


furiousBall said...

I'll probably be relegated to watching via espn's gamecast at work today. I'm going to pretend you're on the little diagram of the diamond like off in the status area of the pop-up window somewhere

GM-Carson said...

Skeeter, at least tell me you got your drunk on...fuckin' Phillies